Friday, November 2, 2007

Great week for Good Mail!

Thank you Elasticwaistbandlandy, Jen, and E. Dub for the Good Mail I received this week! Ya'll spoil me.

I don't even dare try to photograph everything Elastikins sent me. I don't want to make ya'll jealous. Although, she did introduce me to the grown-up version of Junior Mints, Mrs. Fields Chocolate Mint Sticks! Yummy and sophisticated.

E.W. made good on our Thursday Swap Day. She sent me the video we swapped and some extras. My, oh my, she is an over-achiever. I know Carronin is going to steal that Motels Greatest Hits cd from me.

Jenmomof 4 is super talented and crafty. She sent me some personalized notecards. You have to check out her design blog. (Link above.) Was that Amy Butler paper you wrapped my cards in, Jen? Wow!
My Good Mail tree runneth over!

Shhhh! Don't tell my kids where I hid their candy. They'll never think to look under my desk! MUUWAHAHAHAAAAAA!


  1. Yes Annie...You win the gold star!

    It was Amy Butler Paper! I am glad you spotted it and appreciate it. I think you appreciated it?

    The above first line needs to be said in a Announcer like accent. :-)

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Are you kidding me? I heart all things Amy Butler, big time. I feel even closer to you know that I know we share a love and knowledge of Amy.

  3. Yay for good mail! You are spoiled! :) I'm thinking I would love the adult version of Junior Mints too! Anything Mrs. Fields has got to be good!

  4. The eyes are the groin of the head Annie!

  5. My eyes (which are the groin of my head) are amazed!!!!

  6. hooray for goodmail. elastic sends the best goodmail!

  7. Oh wait. That's your line.

    My crack candy task force that I assembled is casing your house even as I type....

    [Psss, hey guys. Do you read me? Over. Yeah, Miss P.Y.T just gave up the location of the goods. The Milk Duds howl at midnight beneath a wooden desk moon. Do you read me? Over.]

  8. Convenient. The chocolate was in arm's reach for when the bag of chips was polished off.

  9. You betcha! And when I'm not wearing socks I can just snatch up a mini Snickers with my toes!

  10. I love all versions of Junior Mints. Hooray for happy Good Mail! :)

    My son had quite a haul of candy, and he polished it off in two days flat, haha! :D


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