Tuesday, August 14, 2007

100 Reasons to ♥ blogging!

1. When you are feeling remorseful about your new hair-do, your blogging peeps will tell you it looks great anyway. (I love my stylist. She expertly achieved exactly what I asked her to do. It's not her, it's me. I do like it. Maybe I wasn't quite ready to change my look.)

Your turn.


  1. 2. You get to learn funny words and catch phrases like. "Apocalypse Peanut Butter" and "Cue the lava".

  2. 3. I get to have daily interactions with many fabulous women so I don't chatter my hubby's ears off every night when he comes home.

  3. Isn't it funny how your hair-do can affect how you feel about everything? I keep thinking about going back to my natural color too, then I change my mind when I remember what color that is. Mine is dull and boring...and as a result it makes me feel dull and boring. You look good...but I think the blonde makes you look sassy, and I like the variety of multi-colored hair. (all personal preferences of course)

  4. 4. It gives a legitimate excuse to ignore housework. (Oh, I'm sorry, I was comforting a fellow blogger who thought she had made a bad decision! Really!)

  5. 5. You find there are lots of people out there who are dealing with many of the same things you are. Also, some great ideas for decorating, cooking, scrapbooking, good books, etc.

  6. 6. And then you learn even more fun words, like teh internets and clickety

  7. By the way, I was late on the hair thing, but I think you look lovely. Blonde is fun, but brown is classic too. Either way, you have great hair this girl is very envious of!

  8. 7. Sometimes there is nothing good to watch on TV, but someone is always posting on their blog.

  9. 8. Silly Saturday by NCS

    9. Psychiatric Saturday by Elizabeth W

  10. 10. You don't have to put shoes on to eat lunch with friends. Anyone else eating their Taco Bell in front of the monitor today?

  11. 11. I never have to put on a bra.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. 12. You can expand your cultural horizons by learning about things like head-covering and Bollywood.

    13. You make friends who send you cool stuff like candy and bandanas and recipes.

    14. All those goofy thoughts in your head can, instead of making you wonder if you're exceptionally weird, be put on display and enjoyed (?) by others.

  14. 15. You can shamelessly beg for attention. :D

  15. 17. You allow the world to read your soul, feel your feelings, hear your thoughts and experience your dreams.

  16. 18. When you can't sleep, you can blog!

    19. Weight-in Wednesdays with Suzanne.

    20. Millie's Mad Libs

    21. Annie OK's Time Machine Tuesday

  17. 22. Blogging is better than Neopets.

  18. I started reading your blog yesterday after you commented on mine, and I'm AN ADDICT! YOU'RE HILARIOUS! Great, now I've got to go figure out how to add someone to my Google Reader. Totally worth it, though!

    I heart you!

  19. 23. You don't have to clean your house before you can spend time with bloggy friends.

    24. You can always find a blogger who has been through what you are going through.

  20. 25. meeting people who you MUST know in real life, so you take off for a weekend to meet them...

  21. 26. No need to brush my teeth first thing in the morning in order to "talk" to my bloggy friends.

    27. Feeling the cyber love.

    28. The priceless look on people's faces when you tell them how your "bloggy friends" sent you Good Mail.

    29. EWBL's Gay Tuesdays on Wednesdays.

    PS: Sodak Angel is right: You be hot like wasabi.

  22. 30. A first hand look at what it is like to live in Hawaii!

    31. Friends that still love me even when I don't write for days.

    32. Not having to fold laundry because I'd rather be at the computer.

    BTW, love the new hair look. Glad to see you have come back to the dark side. ;)

  23. 30. Finding out that great minds really DO think alike.
    31. Great minds are bloggers and they are scattered out all over the US and beyond.

  24. 32. Two people can comment at the same time and no one gets their feelings hurt.

  25. 33. You can find a blog to make you smile when you are having a bad or not so good day.

    34. You realize that there are more people out there who are like you and who you like.

  26. ps. No one gets their feelings hurt when you can't make it to the blogger barbecue this weekend, except me who doesn't get to meet the amazing new friends I've made through blogging this time.

  27. 35. I found my long lost twin, NCS.

    36. I've learned a lot of computery stuff.

  28. I can pick my nose and type, and no one will notice.

  29. 38 we get to be nosey in other bloggers' lives and it is SO TOTALLY ACCEPTABLE

  30. 39. It's cheaper than therapy.

  31. 40. The air of self-importance as you raise your eyebrow and tell people, "Well, I have a blog, you know."

  32. 41. My family isn't even interested enough in me to read my blog, but my BFF bloggy gals are. Or maybe they just pretend they are. No difference. I'm still sucking up the glory.

    Awwww, y'all are so sweet!

  33. 42. My kids have been positively encouraged to grown and develope some independent skills such as making their own peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, because Mama's on the computer..."AGAIN!!!!"

  34. 43. Parenting support.
    44. Marital support.
    45. 21st century journaling.
    46. Thursday Thong.

  35. 47. Meeting said blogger friends in real life!

    So sad I won't be there this weekend. I hate not being able to go since I am so close to all the action. I may just spend this weekend in mourning.

  36. 48. When your down, and receive really mean comments, your blog friends back you up and make you feel better...and like you matter.

  37. 49. Your bloggy friend will travel across the country just to meet you.

    50. Your bloggy friends are really women.

    51. Psychiatric Saturday

    52. Finding out you do have a twin after all (Online Parent Trap)

  38. 53. Books? What are those? Oh, I DID used to read those things before blogging. [New form a reading material]

  39. 54. Because it's not lame like My Space.

  40. Someone was mean to our Cutie Lauren?

    "Let me at `em! Let me at `em!"

  41. myminivanisfasterthanyours- thanks for coming to see me. I know I found you through one of the Mile High Mamas, but I can't remember which one and I can't find my way back to your blog. Help me!

  42. 55. I don't have to shower, put on make-up, dress in my best clothes before blogging

    56. Getting to laugh at/with others every day

    57. Using things like ROFLOL just to annoy Elastic :)

  43. 59. Getting to vent, and it makes people laugh....in turn, makes me not so irritated.

  44. 60. It makes my boobs look bigger. I can't explain it. It just does.

  45. LOL at Amber and NCS's #50!

    61. Finding other people that are just as addicted as me to the computer and computer games like Zuma!

    62. Being able to reach friends at almost any time of the day!

    63. Seeing kind posts written to me. It's nice to hear nice things in regular life, but they're forgotten sometimes. To actually go back and see something nice written, now that's a good feeling! :)

  46. Somehow I missed the bigger boob thing. Perhaps you have to have boobs to start with!

  47. 64. it's more fun than playing with your collection of belly button lint

    65.you get to write stuff while saying to hell wit you punctuation, to hel wit you spell check, to hel wit you paragraphs, tense, iambic pentameter etc.

  48. Hi Annie-coming atcha from NCS.

    66. When my kids do things that would normally put me over the edge, I think, "hey, I'll blog about it" and then I suddenly don't feel like killing them anymore!

  49. 68. You actually start to think you are funny.

  50. 69. Sometimes you learn, really important stuff.

  51. 70. Relief Society lesson help.
    71. Nursery Leader coping skills.
    Are you going to compile these, Payney? They could be your first post for your next blog! :)

  52. 72. When you buy something new, you can put a picture of it on your blog so everyone can tell you how wonderful it is.

    73. Finding bloggy chick friends who are supportive and want to help you achieve your goals

    74. Having a place for a playlist, and friends who will lovingly tell you your music sucks :)

    75. Having alter egos

    76. Knowing who the alter egos really are and not telling


  53. 78. I get to play dj and put whatever songs I want to on my blog.

    79. Sei can't say I don't have any friends anymore

  54. 80. It's an excuse to be narcissistic. (Is that spelt right?)

  55. 81. NCS
    83. Enjoying someone else raising twins, triplets, etc
    84. Blogging regularly without a personal blog of my own.
    85. Commenting first
    87. Nice to know how normal I really am.....tacobell @ the computer etc
    88. Watching my neice and newphews grow up Bo/Avee/Danyo

  56. Instead of obsessing over food, I can obsess over my blog entries.

    Having a good laugh every single day.

  57. 91. Because some bloggers can read between the lines, and know you're not as happy as you pretend to be somedays. Then they call you.

  58. 92. Meeting new friends is as easy as doing the "Blog Roll Dosie Doe". Click on someone from your blog buddies blog roll. Then click on someone from their blog roll and then click on someone from their blog roll. Round and round she goes. Where she stops? Nobody knows.

  59. 93. having an honost to goodness LOL.
    94. being inspired by other people's creativity.
    95. i'm gonna have to second the narcissism. that might not count though.

  60. 96. You get to 'meet' and interact with amazing people that you would probably not touch with a ten foot pole in real life. :D

  61. 97.) being a blogger is the most punk rock thing I've done in a long, long time.

  62. 98. You get to find out that your online friends are just as great in real life! Thanks again, Annie! ***hugs***

  63. 99. You meet really awesome people whose wonderful parents support their blogging habits and don't think it's weird that their daughters have invited a bunch of strange women to their house for a barbecue, who read Elasticwaistband Lady and tell her how wonderful she is, and sit around and listen to us play "Apples to Apples" and never bat an eye when you have to play the "sensual" card.

  64. 100. I get to post at the same exact moment that Millie does, because it's acceptable to interrupt in the blogging world! :D

  65. Ack! That last comment was mine, but Millie was still signed into my computer! :D

  66. Annie:
    I have awarded you the Nice Matters Award on my I blog about nothing blog. Thanks for being you!


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