Saturday, February 28, 2009
What?! I have a blog?!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Anniethology on Idol: Idol, Whooz ur daddy? Season 8, Part 3

Monday, February 23, 2009
Sarah Jessica Parker, The Good Witch of the North, Joy Behar and Tin Foil Hats
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Annie's Oscar Recap
Annie , Raj Malhotra, and 1.2 billion of their closest friends are cheering! 10:00 p.m.
Annie : Do you know what "The Reader" is about? 9:56pm
Annie is sitting and reflecting on the great shame that will be seen in the eyes of grandchildren and great grand children because Sean Penn said so. 9:53
Annie : Princess Buttercup was better off with Wesley. 9:49pm
Annie : Mickey Rourke gives Hulk Hogan false hope.
Annie : Kate Winslet is looking mumsy tonight. 9:39pm
Annie : Penelope Cruz sees her future in Sophia Lauren and is really, really scared. 9:37pm
Annie : Seeing all that stuff float around on the blue screen makes me want to sneeze. 9:30pm -
Annie : Reece looks like she decided to come to the Oscars 20 minutes ago and in her rush borrowed a dress from Dame Judi Dench. 9:28pm
Annie : Bernie Mack is dead?! 9:20pm
Annie : The moment I've been waiting for...Bollywood in Hollywood! 8:57pm
Annie : Jerry Lewis is still alive?! 8:46pm
Annie wonders if Jennifer Anniston's gown smelled like ciggies. 8:27pm
Annie thinks majeek treecks by a French dude is exactly what the slow hour of the Oscars needed.
Annie has never been "enthralled in uncertainty." 8:12pm
Annie proclaims in unison with Hugh Jackman, "The musical is back!" 8:07pm
Annie : No religious conservatives allowed at the Oscars. Values checked at the door. 7:59pm
Annie thinks Jessica Biel forgot untuck the napkin from the front of her dress after dinner.
Annie says, "And the award for Best Bruting (sic) Presenter goes to...Edward!"
Annie thinks Sarah Jessica Parker looks like the Good Witch of the North in her Oscar gown. 7:17 p.m
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Annie on KAFM community radio.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Annie on Idol: Instant Reviews
Ricky-Love the velvet blazer. Good choice. Hard to go wrong with a crisp white shirt and nice fitting blazer. Ricky sings...zzzzzzz. Simon and I seem to be on the same wavelength tonight.
Alexis Grace- Cutie!I like to cheer on the mommies. I like the red lips. Her face looks like a young Dolly Parton. Good job Mamacita.
Ryan is so awkward on the fly.Brent Keith- I see a dimple. Guess who's going back to his hick town. Did Paula really hold up Buckie Covington as a success?! Ha! Simon prempted me.
Stevie Wright- Oh no! Starting off as atrain wreck. Experiencing physcial discomfort. Terrrible song choice. Karoke at a friends birthday party.
Anoop!- A little eyebrow grooming could go a long way. First four bars...best guy so far. He is going to get way more than the Desi vote.I would love to see him in an ice cream white suit.
Casey Carlson- Hello? Who is calling please? Disney? Yeah, hold on Casey is right here.
Oil Rigger- We've seen this song performed better on this show before. He has good moves for a big boy.
Ann Marie Boskovich - She could sell floss and lip gloss. Good teeth, good lips. Didn't like the song...finish strong though.
Steven Fowler- sang "I Want to Rock With You" but he forgot the metallic outfit that made this song great.
Ms. Coco Pants Tatiana- How did she make it and the Osmond didn't? This song just made Whitney Houston go back to crack!
Mejor dicho Senorita Pantalones Locas.
Danny Gokey- Most confindent performer of the night. I'm not a fan, but he did good.
3 Best Performances in my not so humble and usually right opinion: Alexis Grace, Anoop, and Danny.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Talk radio is not ready for me

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Anniethology on Idol: Idol, Whooz ur daddy? Season 8, Part 2
Sunday, February 8, 2009
I hate the Tooth Fairy!
I've been delinquent in my Tooth Fairy duties as of late (that's nothing new). So, I tried to come up with something extra special. Despite the $$, I love that my ten-year-old boys will still hold hands with me in public, they still love stuffed animals, and the still believe in the Tooth Fairy.

Tonight, I spent 45 minutes learning how to fold a dollar into a heart. Too bad that blanking Tooth Fairy is going to get all the credit.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Anniethology on Idol: Idol, Whooz ur daddy? Season 8, Part 1

Due to the success of last year's "Idol, Whooz ur daddy?" posts, the budget has gone up for this season. I am a busy woman who doesn't have the time for such frivolous analysis, so have acquired the help of a macheen to do the DNA matches for me. I put pictures of the contestants in the macheen and it provides the closest possible matches. I have to say the that macheen is a lot more brutal than I ever was. Sometimes the macheen is unable to find DNA matches for the Idols with actual people, so it will pick cartoon characters, animals, or inanimate objects.

I don't understand this one. The macheen picked a crab and a brown belt. What's up with that? Something must be wrong with the wiring. I may need to look into that.
Fortunately, I know my Bollywood. Anoop, has been matched with Bollywood superstar Abhishek Bachchan and a laundry basket.
Lucky, lucky Adam. He has been matched with Monchichi, much like our boy "Archie" was last year and Michael "Hey kids rock and roll" Damian. Who wouldn't want to look like Michael Damian? Hello?!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Because I love you and I want you to be happy
Here are a couple of no-fail items that are on sale right now, online at the Coldwater Creek Outlet, that will take your attitude from blah to fabulous, even if your hips are telling the secret that you single-handedly finished off the seven-layer dip from your Super Bowl party.
Trust me, now. I wouldn't lead you astray. I get nothing from CCO for plugging these items. I bought them, have them in my home, put them on and skipped around in front of my full length mirror, I was soooo happy to have them. I want the same happines for you.
This black Ponte Pencil skirt is a steal at $14.99. The seaming, which is hard to see in the pic is very figure flaterring. The fishtail detail in the back is super flirty. And Ladies, I am telling you it's sooo forgiving.
Okay, I know what your thinking. You are afraid to take my word for it, you are afraid to shop online because it might not fit and who wants to go through the trouble of shipping things back and forth. I hear ya. I do. But these, my friend, these sassy red slingbacks cannot be passed up. They run true to size and you don't have to wear Spanx to get them on. Hello?! Look at them! You can put a price on red hot fabulousness and it's $20.99.
Still incredulous? How does an extra 25% off or free shipping sound? I went to retailmenot.com and used a coupon code at checkout that took an extra discount off. See? Do you see? How much I love you? Do you?! And I don't want anything in return. I'm a giver. I just want you to be happy.
((((BIG HUGS from me to you))))))))