Friday, October 17, 2008

A conversation that may or may not have just happened. An Anniethology Endorsement. And, my children ARE normal

Allegedly, a few minutes ago, I got a call from a close familial relation whose domestic partner may or may not be a hotelier extraordinaire. She may or may not have told me, under the strictest of confidence, that she, indeed, is not pregnant, but that the S3cret S3rvice has just booked, or not, rooms at their hotel for one of the candidates. Allegedly.

After I squealed with excitement, I whispered, "Where are you calling from?"

She might have said, "The hotel and why are you whispering?"

I could have replied, "No, no, no! You'll ruin it."

She defensively replied, "What are talking about?"

I said, "You have to know that they are already bugging the place to make sure it is secure and now they won't stay there because you have spilled the beans (allegedly) that they are coming."

She said, "I'm not using the business phone, I'm calling you from my cell phone."

I might have said, "They have listening devices for those, too."

Back pedaling, she said, "Well, forget what I said. I didn't say anything."

Even if I was telling you about this, which I am not, I could have said, "Don't worry, I didn't hear anything."

"Kath and Kim" is my new favorite TV show. Any show with bananaclips, Erasure, and mallrats is tops on my DVR.

My kids have the day off of school today. I told them that if they are just laying around watching TV and playing video games, I am going to give them chores to do, but if they go outside and play, I will not call them in to help around the house. They chose to play outside. See? They ARE normal.


  1. We love that show too! So awesome!

  2. That may or may not be SO EXCITING!! Is it a candidate I would be excited about????

    I like that your kids dress a lot like my Taj. He's always a Power Ranger, Superman or Mr. Incredible. :)

  3. When and what channel does that show come on?

  4. Ms. Annie,

    Could you give the correct spelling of your first and last name?

  5. wow, if that had happened which we all know it didn't ;), that would be way cool.

  6. Tori, NBC, Thursday nights. Check your local listings.

  7. Smart move on your the part of your kids--the words "I'm bored" at our house translate into "Please mom, give me some chores!!!".

    I've never heard of that show--will have to look into it.

  8. Hey, thanks for visiting my blog! I can't help but comment about Erasure, because I've *cough*cough* been to their concert before. I LOVE them!

  9. I may or may not have just read something on your blog that mentioned that awesome place we stayed last August.

    Maybe Sarah will sleep in MY bed! SQUEEEEEEEE!!!

  10. Annie you are making up stories again or not. I may or may not be in trouble with El Jefe if he decides to read your blog for some unknown reason.

  11. To summarize this post you stated that you like the TV show "Kath and Kim" and you have to threaten your children with household duties in order to get them to play outside.

    Did I miss anything?

    I have to go outside to find my youngest, Tree Monkey, to get her to do her chores or at least put her dishes in the sink and make her bed. She may, or may not, be dressed when I find her. In fact, if I cannot indeed find her, then she is outside playing. Rain or shine, hot or cold, or even snow.

  12. Your kids are the Power Rangers?! How cool is THAT?

  13. Hmmm! Very interesting! It was fun hangin' out the other night! We need to get out more often!

  14. Forget the political candidates for a moment...

    ...did you just blow your kids' secret as the Power Rangers? I mean you wouldn't want Lord Zedd or Scorpina to find them would you?

    That could be bad.

  15. HI Annie!
    Well today is the big day! SARAH WILL BE HERE SOON.

    This is so cool.

    A friend of mine is so lucky- because, she will be the one that introduces Sarah to come on out.
    How fun for my friend!

    Happy Monday to you!!

  16. Once again I am laughing pretty hard...not hard enough to wet yet. I have yet to watch Kath and Kim will have to check it out just for a look at bananaclips. Which I own a ton of back when.They actually would not work in my thick hair. Bummer!

  17. *sniff sniff

    I don't have TV so I will go cry now.

  18. I have Kath and Kim's theme song on my workout playlist.

  19. Exciting conversation! (What conversation?)

    Cute picture of the kids! :)


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