Friday, January 4, 2008

Anniethology Top 7 of 2007

Here is Top 7 list of my most popular posts of 2007!
7. HFM's in the Local Paper (From my now defunked, but beloved blog, "Hot Fruita Moms".)
5. Sunday Confesssional Because bloggers love a good confession!
3. Payney's Virtual B-Day Partay! (Note the date, my friends.)
2. 100 Reasons to ♥ Blogging To see the complied list, click here, to go to Mile High Mamas.
1. Anonymous Comment Day! Giving people the chance to say what they will anonymously garnered some pretty interesting comments!
I wish all you bloggers out there a happy and healthy 2008 full of comments and self acceptance!
"Blog together or die alone!"


  1. Blog together or die alone. Someone needs to make that the name of their blog. :)

  2. Oooo, Good one, Elizabeth-w!

    Just out of curiosity, why only "7?" Loved them all, though. ESPECIALLY #1! When can we have that again?

    P.S. Did you see Mr. Fist Beard standing behind the Huckster last night as he made his victory speach? I thought of you.

  3. so, does that mean there is going to be another virtual bday party for you? because i hope i'm invited!

  4. *wipes tiny tear*
    I love all of those posts, ah the memories.
    Your virtual bday partay was the best.

  5. Magic 8 Ball predicts a birthday in your very near future.

    Magic 8 Ball is never wrong. Except for that time when it told me to wear that virgin acrylic sweater vest to church that I bought at the dollar store.

  6. Oh, I get it... 7 because it was 2007!!!!!

    (It was EWL's Magic 8 ball remark that helped me figure it out - thanks EWL)

    May your 2008 be filled with glamour and prestige. And cookies.

  7. Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.

  8. Birthday! Birthday! Birthday!

    Are you going to make it an annual tradition to blog in your birthday suit?

  9. It cut off my screen name. Que triste.

    No my first name ain't baby, it's lastic, Miss Lastic if you're nasty.


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