Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Anniethology Asks

What do you do out of obligation, not because you want to?


  1. Grace some blogs with my comments... haha
    Not yours of course.

  2. Housework. It gets in the way of so many other important things, like knitting, but if I don't do it I have to listen to so much whining that it just isn't worth it.

  3. Answer the phone--the majority of the time!

  4. Good question!

    Some weeks...go to church. Be nice to people that I don't particularly care for. I'll stop there before I get too cynical.

  5. Talk to certain people,.....NO...nobody around here....but if she were here...I would still talk to her, not because I wanted to though, but....because it is expected of me. Pssst....I'm not going to say who, but you don't know me....cuz you would feel the same way!

  6. Visiting teaching. I know, I'm bad!

  7. Oh there are just too many to list. There aren't a lot of things I do just because I WANT to.
    Most chores come to mind.
    Also any kind of meetings for my callings.
    Taking care of other people's kids from time to time.

  8. I'm ashamed to admit that a lot of times, Visiting Teaching falls into that category. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one (((Amanda!)))

    And sweeping. I just don't like it.

  9. Clean my house. I want it clean, but want someone else to do it.

  10. What excellent answers! No one mentioned martial duties. Vixens!

  11. Attending bazillions of wedding receptions! ;)

  12. This is a great question, Payney. I think I spend a lot of time doing things because I 'should'...many of them already mentioned above. :)

  13. Pay the bills. I would rather keep the dough for me! But I would probably spend it on someone else.

    I liked all the other things, too.

    But marital duties? You mean like clean the toilet, right?

  14. Washing my face before bed is something I do because I feel obligated to my skin. I don't enjoy it though.

  15. Watching other people's kids!

  16. annie, what are martial duties?!? I didn't know you were a martial arts fan! ;) Martial duties is no problem at our house. :D

  17. I meant m-a-r-i-t-a-l duties. Geez. I'm my own worst enemy. No wonder I heard crickets after I posted that.

    No one mentioned "marital duties". Vixens.

    (not as funny the second time around)

  18. I like "marital duties..." And martial duties could be cool too.

    I'm with Amanda- visit teaching.

  19. Doing the laundry-blah! And sadly, visiting teaching because I can't remember the last time I did it-so I guess I don't feel obligated now do I? Just the lingering guilt.

  20. I'll 4th Visiting teaching! I also only keep the house tidy for hubby. I feel better when it's clean, but honestly, if he didn't care, I probably wouldn't either. ***hangs head in shame***

  21. A better question would be, what don't I do out of obligation? Ha!

  22. I love Annie's unintentional joke of the day.

    I'm with glittersmama and Sodak, being nice to people I don't care to even stand next to, much less talk or smile to.


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