Wednesday, March 4, 2009

"What the Wednesday?!" Anniethology question of the week.

Apparently, Octomom hasn't made payments on her home since May. She is on the verge of being homeless along with her 14 kids.

Question: Why hasn't Obama saved her house?


  1. I am too afraid to comment, because people scare me. I am just here to say, "hi!"

  2. She hasn't prayed hard enough.

  3. Good question. If you get the answer, let me know.

  4. Just found you from Tiburon and laughing my head off! New stalker.....

    Oh and give him a minute he'll save her house! 'bama sucks!

  5. He must be riding his unicorn in another neighborhood right now.

  6. Is this like a chicken crossing the road question?

    My opinion is that he's too busy pushing abortion and birth control to want to save her house, although she might possibly help his cause. And that's as far as I'll go.

  7. LOL at B.

    Annie gives Heff Super Happy Girl Bucks for using the word "unicorn" in her comment.

  8. C'mon! Are implying that he's not going to?

  9. Much like American Idol, Top Loser, and Biggest Bachelor, I know virtually nothing about this lady other than she has 8 children. But I don't know if she had 2 to start and then six more or what.
    Seriously. I don't know.

  10. Because her congress or senate rep hasn't written a bill yet that they can tack on some ridiculous- have nothing to do with it crap to fund her and her 14 children.

    It's okay to say crap on your blog isn't it? :P

  11. Oh he will, I have hope for change and change for hope. I check my mailbox everyday for my check from Obama.

  12. Because I haven'ts yet.

  13. Because I haven'ts yet.

  14. Let me try that again. Sorry - need new keyboard batteries.

    Because I haven't paid my taxes yet.

  15. His staff will be calling her soon I bet.
    Save us Obama!

  16. Oh my. The Octomom just drives me nuts. I thought she lived with her mom?

  17. Because he is too busy picking out a dog for the White house.:)

  18. *giggle* Hef you is funny!

    Octomom is buying a bigger house with her book deal money. I know! It's pathetic that I know that.

  19. I don't think she will need his help--she'll end up with a book deal or a reality series. I just hope people won't watch it, but...

  20. That is a REALLY good question...

  21. Anonymous is waaayyyyy behind the times.

    The Obamas already picked out a dog. They got their new swing set and now Michelle is going to teach us all how to get fabulous arms like hers. Hey, and here I thought they were anti-guns???!!??

    Anyway, it was so worth losing our sovereignty and freedom just so we could get a constant stream of tabloid frenzy about the new First Family.

  22. She won't be getting her house anytime soon because Obama pledged 900 million to the terrorist organization, Hamas.

    Yes, that would be the same people seen dancing joyfully in the streets as America suffered on 9/11.

    I'm totally sure that Hamas will use those funds appropriately and for rebuilding Gaza. I'm totally sure that not one penny will go towards annhilating Israel. Nope. these are terrorists we can trust because Obama says so.

  23. Also Obama won't support Octo-Mom because she actually loves babies and refuses to kill them while Obama coerces us taxpayers to unconstitutionally subsidize abortions overseas.

    Unconstitutional. We have two amendments, a national policy, and a Supreme Court ruling all stipulating that the government will not be compelled to either provide nor finance abortion services. And yet, here we are happy people of America.

    Just remember, it starts with the laissez-fare attitudes about killing the unborn. And then the evil seeps into killing the elderly.....and then finally if you are in any way, shape, or form infirm or disabled, you will be next up on the chopping block....literally.

    Historical precedence, people.

  24. Yeah, I'm not touching this one with a 10 foot pole! :D

  25. Octomom is just one more reason the aliens don't land.


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