Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Annie on KAFM community radio.

Click here to listen to the podcast of today's radio show.

I brought refreshments and took my bathroom break before the show. The "do" was easily refluffed after the use of headphones. Luckily, I did not have to test the compassion of my co-hosts by fainting. I refrained from "shout-outs," but it was reallllly tempting.
Thanks to my co-hosts. Thanks to everybody who listened. Thanks to makers of Throat Coat Tea, for helping me get through the show, despite my sore throat and a special thanks to bloggy buddy forever, Heffalump, for calling into the show and slow pitching me a softball of a question that I could swing at!


  1. I clicked on the link to listen to the podcast, but it says "page not found." I'd love to listen to it!

  2. All fixed now. Thanks for the heads-up, Dannie. Enjoy!

  3. very nicely done. i enjoyed the segment.

  4. Aww, you look so cute and professional! I still have no computer speakers but I will listen somewhere by crikey!

  5. I had fun calling in.
    I thought you did a great job and I hope they have you back!

  6. Listening now! I'm just past the guy who uses "FoxFire" on dialup.

  7. myspace is the "younger dirty cousin of Facebook." Love it!

    OK, I'll try to gather all my comments and just leave one, rather than onesie-twosie.

  8. I am so thankful to Father Al for inventing teh internets and the magic of them podcatsings!

    I was sleeping and missed the show live. I am so glad I got to hear it.
    You were awesome.

  9. Doing the onesie-twosie.

    HFM representin'!

  10. You sounded great! And I couldn't tell you has a sore throat at all!

  11. I'd also love to read your new blog "" as soon as it's up and running. ;-)

  12. Great job on the podcast. I loved it. You still have the same spunky personality!

  13. I mentioned you in my most recent post. Mwwaahh haa haa.

  14. Remember the first time you spoke in church? You cried and ran off the pulpit. You are an inspiration to everyone that fears can be overcome.

  15. Look at you! You're such a babe! :)

    You sounded GREAT! Who would have ever known you had a sore throat? (I'm so sorry about that...ouch!)

  16. Wait, which caller was Heffalump? I missed it! (I was being distracted during some parts in the middle, so sorry if it should have been obvious.)

    And in conclusion, get an iPhone.

  17. Just finished listening to the show. You did awesome.

  18. sorry I missed it, glad you have shared it. Good job!

  19. You are a superstar!

    But I kind of knew that already :)

  20. ooh, i loved hearing you on the podcast! so cool. you ARE a superstar!

  21. Did you mention on-line photo editors? I do not recall. Here's a link to a comparison of 15 online editors. Many are free.


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